Should be better now, Dan. My commit was too hasty.
Post by Daniel T. GorskiHi,
please take the attached file (it is a legacy XML from and put
it 1 to 1 in the "content" field of the "cowiki_node" table. Try to edit
this document then.
I get only "strong end strong end em end insanity in tcell" debug output -
and nothing else. Seems like crash or exit. No errors emmited neither in
script nor in debug log.
Self backed PHP version here: PHP 5.0.4 (cgi) (built: Apr 26 2005 02:22:01)
The reverse parser is the latest from CVS HEAD, it worked better before your
commit two or three hours ago :)
regards dtg
<h1>Welcome to the projects repository</h1><p><tt></tt> is the host of projects written and mainly maintained by <link idref="150"></link>. You will find downloads of free projects here as well as information about commercial ones and how to acquire licenses and support. Besides, this platform is used as a personal homepage with a few tutorials and more or less interesting stuff. Enjoy.</p><p><strong>Currently running projects:</strong></p>
<list><ul><li><link idref="2"></link> - web collboration tool (GNU General Public License)</li><li><link idref="3"></link> - to be documented (distributed under a commercial license)</li></ul></list>
<h2>Latest confidential information leaked from the well secured laboratory:</h2>
<plugin name="doc.recent" limit="12" cutoff="30" title="Recently changed documents" style="float:right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 15px;"/>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>2 Feb 2005</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>After the transfer of the coWiki project to the new maintainer Paul Hanchett, the new <link href="">site</link> is up and running. Latest versions and updates are available there. I'll successively close most coWiki related pages here on</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>12 Jan 2005</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>03 Jan 2005</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>The coWiki web collaboration software is looking for a new maintainer. <link idref="324">Read more ...</link></p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>01 Dec 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_internal.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>Ah, here we go again. A few hardware parts of the server that were hosting <tt></tt> decided to meet their maker the <link idref="2"></link> way: collaboratively.</p><p>The server needed a few days off for vacation and repair.</p><p>Hence some of the <tt></tt> services - like demo, snaps and the bug eating machine - may be not reachable. We will re-build these services successively, so please expect failures over the next few days. Sorry for the inconvenience.</p><p>The <link strref="Download / CVS">CVS system</link> is not affected but the mailing lists are.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>25 Nov 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>Internationalization weeks at! <link strref="Wagner Sartori Junior"></link> provided a Portuguese localization for the coWiki project. Thanks.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>10 Nov 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p><link idref="320"></link> added a Slovak localization to the coWiki project. Thanks a lot.</p><p><em>Attention:</em> If you need a version that is working with the latest PHP 5.0.2 release, please check out a version <em>before</em> October 10th 2004. Current coWiki HEAD is <em>not</em> stable. Stay tuned.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>16 Oct 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>The <link href="">coWiki CVS repository</link> is in an unstable state. Please do not check out any source for production environments. We will inform you if we think that it <em>might</em> work - anyway it's a development version, bad suprises included.</p><p><em>Update:</em> If you need a version that is working with the latest PHP 5.0.2 release, please check out a version <em>before</em> October 10th 2004.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>19 Sep 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_vividsites.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>A teaser from the author of coWiki: the first beta <link href="">demo version of vividsites 3.0.0</link> opened to the public. At the time of writing the demo installation might be especially interesting for German speaking people only as it ain't been localized yet. Anyway drop an eye on it.</p><p>vividsites is a HTML-based descriptive data management engine written in PHP4 for closed user groups (CUGs) that allows a programmer to adapt, create and control databases and its tables with only a few lines of descriptive XML markup.</p><p>It is modular and highly customizable - no additional programming is usually required for database schema changes, existing legacy databases or validation and plausibility rules. You are able to build an appropriate backend data management tool for your customers quickly - and it will look and work like exclusively created for them.</p><p>Additionally it provides roles/privileges based access, a workflow system (dual control) and a powerful search capabilities of any associated database tables by default. More about this product to come these days <link idref="3">here</link>.</p><p><table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_vividsites.gif"/> </td><td colspan="1"> is closed source.</td></tr></table></p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>18 Sep 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_internal.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p><tt></tt> has been down for maintenance for a few days due to some strange undefinable data loss in the coWiki database so we took the chance to restructure a few pages. The origin of this 'bug' is still not found. Sorry for your inconvenience.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>27 Jul 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p><link strref="Tomasz Dudzisz"></link> contributed two very stylish HTML templates to the coWiki project. The 'Africa' template is a warm and eye friendly template and 'Spitsbergen' provides a bluish arctic flair. You or your readers may change the preferred template in the 'Preferences' menu or - if you are an administrator - in the <tt>core.conf</tt> configuration file. Great job, thanks Tomasz!</p></q>
<table align="center"><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em>Africa V1.0</em> </td><td colspan="2"> <em>Spitsbergen V1.0</em></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"><plugin name="embed" src="embed/tpl_africa_tn.gif" alt="Africa" style="border: 1px #AAAAAA solid"/></td><td colspan="1"> </td><td colspan="1"><plugin name="embed" src="embed/tpl_spitsbergen_tn.gif" alt="Spitsbergen" style="border: 1px #AAAAAA solid"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>These templates are available in CVS only - until the next stable coWiki release.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>8 Jul 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>A Polish localization by <link strref="Tomasz Dudzisz"></link> has been added to the coWiki development branch.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>15 Feb 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_internal.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>The CVS server and its hardware has been set up and should work again as expected. If you run into troubles, please let us know at the <link strref="Mailing lists">developer mailing list</link>.</p><p>The web interface to our CVS at <uri strref=""/> is going to be fixed in the next few days. Its repair won't be announced separately.</p><p>Hang the mindless hax0rs and script kids.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>12 Feb 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_internal.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p>The <tt></tt> CVS server has been hacked from <tt>*</tt>. Unfortunately I detected defective hard drives on this machine while I was trying to clean up the mess. Hence the CVS service won't be availabe for a few days, sorry.</p></q>
<table><tr valign="top"><td colspan="1"> <em><strong>19 Jan 2004</strong></em> </td><td colspan="1"> <plugin name="embed" src="embed/news_cowiki.gif"/></td></tr></table>
<q><p><link strref="Hakan Küçükyilmaz"></link> has added Turkish localization to the latest coWiki development version. Neat.</p><p>FYI: The main coWiki core development is still frozen until the PHP5 developers know what they want. The one and only stable coWiki version is 0.3.3 with PHP beta1</p></q>